

Tuesday 20 October 2015

I wore these awesome NHS glasses as a child. The giant round frames, ridiculously sized for tiny children faces. Mine were a fetching peach to clear fade. The reason for this tragedy? Cost! That had been a problem all through my glasses wearing life.

I went through a stage in my teens of being determined not to be seen in my glasses. I hated the frames. They made me feel so self conscious that I decided to try life without them. Well after being nearly run over on more than one occasion and accidentally getting into the wrong persons car, I decided to save up for some nice glasses.

Fellow glasses wearers know all about "THE COST". You pick up some frames, look at the price tag thinking, "over £100 is steep but I do need them to see and I would quite like to look cool at the same time". You take the glasses to the receptionist and she says... Well it's an extra £60 if you want lenses. Erm well yes...I would quite like lenses in them! That's up there with my main needs in a pair of glasses!

So after shelling out £160 for a mid priced decent enough pair of glasses what happens? Obviously I end up sitting on them within a month. This is not good. I lose things and break things more than is necessary.

This all changed when I got an invite to the IOLLA launch. Finally a brand made by glasses wearers for, well glasses wearers. Obviously the main draw for me was the price. £65 for glasses....that includes the lenses, not only just lenses BUT anti-scratch and anti-glare lenses!!! 

I honestly couldn't believe my short sighted little eyes. The frames are beautiful Italian acetate and are named after famous Scots. I spent a good hour trying them all on, then obviously another hour deciding between my favourite three.

I chose these gorgeous walnut tortoise frames. You know I can't resist a hint of turquoise. They are so light to wear.I can dress them up or down really easily, working them here with my chouchou hood or Boden wrap dress.

So I'll be visiting the showroom in Finnieston again soon but if you can't get along to Glasgow then get yourself online at Iolla They have made online shopping for glasses so easy! At that price you can get spares for you know, when you sit on them.

Stay Classy 

Kelly xx

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